Well, it is all over now. I really wasn't sure who I was routing for until they annouced the winner last night and I had a feeling of saddness. I guess that meant I was routing for David Archuleta. Oh well, I'm sure they will both make awesome albums and I will probably buy them both. I wish the best for both of them, even though they have no idea who I am and don't really care what I wish.:)
Here's on to bigger and better things. Like SYTYCD! Or maybe cleaning my house or playing with the girls or any of the other million things I need to do that truly are bigger and some how better than American Idol.
Hey Mel! Cute Blog! I felt the same way about American Idol, I liked them both. Hope you guys are doing well!
You are so funny, I thought it was given that the other David would win. He is the cutest kid. Anyway, what does that STY.... stand for?
Hey look at me, I'm commenting!!!! Great music selection and of course very cute pictures. Sooooo glad Bella got over her camera phobia. You have two very big cheesers.
I wanted the other David too. Lincoln was happy about the outcome, and was like "I told you so." Whatever. =)
SO You Think You Can Dance! Check it out, it is a great show! Bryan loves it.:)
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