Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My first TAG response.

So I got tagged for the first time the other day and then got another one right after it. I will respond to the first one and see if I ever get to the second one. I am in need of something theraputic today and I am hoping this will help:) Here's hopin'!

5 Things on my list to do today:
1. Laundry (Bryan informed me this morning of his "sock situation." The situation is that he has none. oops.)
2. Birthday Party errands (it takes a lot to pull off a good party)
3. Clean the house (always a work in process)
4. Spend quality time with the girls (I have to make a concious effort or I spend my day doing all of the other things on the list)
5. Relax! (I have been way too anxious lately)
Things that should be on the list but are not: clean all the sheets, make a menu and go grocery shopping, clean the clutter off the shelf in my room, scrub the bathrooms, clean off the computer desk, make VT appointments, work on Gracie's baby book, ect., ect. -and the anxiety continues.

5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Yogurt
2. fruit
3. chips and crackers
4. candy
5. any other kind of treat!

5 Things I would do if I were a sudden millionaire:
1. Buy a stinkin' HOUSE!
2. Furnish my stinkin' house.
3. Buy a stinkin' house for friends and family that need one.
4. Put away enough money for my kids to go to any college of their choice.
5. Put away enough money to fly and see my family whenever I want to.

5 Bad Habits: (Yikes)
1. Stressing and worrying too much
2. Not getting going quick enough in the morning (0ne of the causes of my stress)
3. Eating too many treats
4. Reading celebrity gossip
5. checking my email too much ( I crave interaction with the outside world)

5 Places I have lived:
1. Colorado
2. Utah
3. China
4. Maryland
5. California

5 Jobs I have had:
1. Burger Bar
2. Provo Floral
3. DC Florist
4. Wife
5. Mom

5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I love playing the saxophone and being part of a band and I miss it.
2. I love tap dancing and taking dance lessons and I miss it.
3. My house usually "looks" clean, but don't look too close because I hate to scrub stuff.
4. I know probably way more than a girl should know about The Lords of the Rings series and so does Bella. (Thank you Bryan)
5. I consider myself an accomplished slalom water-skier. (only compared to some)

OK, I am now sitting here wondering if this was theraputic at all. Nope! I'll have to try something else.


Natalie said...

Mel - You should stop being so hard on yourself - my house doesn't even look clean! Ha, ha! If you lived here, you could drop in anytime and that would be therapeutic because I could talk to you while you observe how messy my house is! That would kill two birds with one stone!

Melanie said...

Nat, I love that idea!

Van Duren Family said...

You never cease to amaze me. You do more in one day than most and at the end you always seem to have things together! Give yourself a pat on the back. Sit down on your squeeky couch and eat a treat. You deserve it! :)

Allison Bishop said...

I NEVER respond to those tags, and I have some guilt over it. Maybe next time. Way to go for even responding.

Jeri said...

Ha! That was a fun read, but it kind of stressed me out. I remembered all the things I am not doing.

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